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信息来源: 发布日期:2017-12-04


AModel of Public Opinion Dissemination on Online-Offline Networks




Todate, researches on the model and its evolution mechanism of public opiniondissemination have largely focused on two separate networks perspectives, namely,online social networks (online networks) and offline physical contactingnetworks(offline networks). However, public opinions in the real-world aredisseminated on online social networks and offline networks simultaneously. Hence,a single online or offline network perspective is not sufficient to capture andreveal transmission dynamics model of public opinions in line and offlinenetworks. The results of simulation and case validation well support thereality. In the current research, we develop a model based on bilayer-couplednetworks including both online and offline networks. Moreover, drawing on thetheories of communication and social psychology, we propose the symmetric andasymmetric dissemination mechanisms for promotion and inhibition between noreticalanalysis by showing that: i) under the symmetrical dissemination mechanism, boththe assortative and disassorative links can promote the dissemination speed andrange of public opinions in a bilayer network. Interestingly, the coupledsmall-world networks always yield the most effective diffusion; ii) under theasymmetrical dissemination mechanism, the assortative link outperforms thedisassortative link on the role of inhabiting public opinion dissemination ononline-offline networks. Our findings provide practitioners with theoreticaland practical implications of adopting both qualitative and quantitativemethods to handle various public opinion disseminations.



